Fermor Mark Installation
Tuesday 1st October 2019
On Tuesday 1st October 2019 W.Bro Ian Kenyon made a very good job of Installing into the Chair of Adoniram, the Master Elect, W.Bro Stan Martin PProvGJW.
Rep and WM
Stan, a stalwart Southport Mason, was first installed into the chair of Fermor Mark in October 1995 and has served the Lodge with distinction as Director of Ceremonies since 2001. His only escape was to become Master again. I fear that his plan will not succeed as his appointed replacement feels that he is only keeping Stan’s seat warm while he is in Office.
Rep WM and Installing Master
The RWPGM was represented at late notice, by W.Bro Alan Foster as the Provincial Junior Warden was indisposed by illness. Alan did a wonderful job and his Address to the Brethren was well received.
Rep WM and IM
RepWM IM and DC
Indeed, all the Addresses where beautifully performed as was the Keystone Address. The Provincial Grand Master’s Special Representative was also called off the benches to present the Working Tools.
Rep WM and Special Rep
There followed a convivial Festive Board which included very acceptable Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding.
Festive Board
Words by VW Bro Maurice Evans PGJO
Pictures by W.Bro Alan Foster AGDC